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Localization and transcreation for content internationalization

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Globalization has led many companies to seek business internationalization through international marketing, expanding not only the scope of their operations, but also their content. Localization and transcreation are essential tools in this process to adapt a brand’s messages to the global environment and ensure that they resonate with every local audience.

Exploring the nuances of localization

If global expansion is a company’s goal, then localization is a necessary means to achieve it. Indeed, localization is not the same as translation; it goes a little further, so it is advisable to leave it in the hands of professional translation agencies. Localization is a cultural and linguistic adaptation that takes into account the norms, values, beliefs and behaviors of a target market. When companies look to introduce a product or service in a new market, they must tailor it to perfectly fit local needs and preferences and have a positive impact on the purchasing experience.

Understanding the cultural nuances and the particularities of the language of each region is essential for effective localization. This includes the adaptation of units of measurement, currencies, dates and visual elements such as colors and images, which may have different meanings in different cultures.

Transcreation and its role in global communication

Transcreation, on the other hand, is a process that merges translation and creation. It is not simply a matter of adapting a message for the audience of another country, but of recreating it so that it has the same emotional and cultural impact as it had on its original audience. It is especially important in advertising and marketing, where an emotional connection is fundamental for capturing the audience’s interest.

Transcreation is a relatively new term that requires a deep understanding of the target culture and a great deal of creativity. Translators specialized in transcreation must not only be native speakers of the target language, but must also have copywriting skills and an understanding of the market context of the brand.

Transcreation plays a crucial role in international advertising. Advertising messages are often based on puns, humor and cultural references that cannot be translated literally from one language to another. Here, transcreation makes it possible to reinvent these messages so that they maintain their persuasive and emotional strength in different cultures. This is why it is so important that the people in charge of a transcreation project have a deep understanding of all the cultural and characteristic subtleties of the target audience, to ensure that the message resonates and connects with them in the same way as the original.

Effective localization strategies for businesses

For a localization strategy to be effective, businesses must conduct thorough target market research. As a company internationalization agency, iDISC offers an analysis of local competition, consumer preferences and legal regulations that may impact the presentation of the product or service. This ensures a deep understanding and consideration of these factors in any project.

In addition, it is essential to have the support of localization experts who can guarantee the quality and accuracy of the adapted content. Specialized translation services are critical in this regard, offering the expertise and resources needed to handle complex projects and produce effective localization.

Localization vs Transcreation: identifying their roles

Although localization and transcreation have similar goals (making a piece of content resonate with a specific audience), the working mechanisms are different. Localization focuses on cultural adaptation without changing the original meaning, always starting from a source text. Transcreation, on the other hand, may involve a deeper transformation of the message to evoke the same emotions in different audiences, which is more creative and requires better writing skills.

Moreover, in transcreation, the client’s brief often takes precedence over any source text. It is about capturing the essence and then translating it into an idiomatic message that appeals to the target audience.

It is important for brands to identify when it is necessary to localize and when to transcreate. For example, localization works for websites, software and video games, where usability and clarity are paramount. Transcreation, on the other hand, is more suitable for advertising campaigns and creative content where emotional connection is the key to success.

In conclusion, localization and transcreation are fundamental resources for internationalizing content. Both methodologies require a deep understanding of the target market and the ability to tailor a message in a way that is culturally relevant and resonates with your audience. Implementing localization and transcreation strategies not only optimizes intercultural communication, but also differentiates a brand in the global marketplace, making it more accessible and attractive to international audiences.


We hope you have found this information useful. We would be happy to provide you with more details about localization and transcreation. Do not hesitate to contact us or visit our blog for more information. 

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