Professional translation services for your language needs

We know that each project is unique, and that needs can vary greatly depending on the industry and target market. Whether you need a technical translation for software manuals or a creative translation for marketing campaigns, our team of professional translators is here to ensure that your message gets across clearly and effectively.

Optimize your projects with our computer-aided translation tools

Translation memory

Previous translations are stored in a database and can be reused. In addition to cost savings, consistency is ensured between projects and between the various participants in the translation project.


We create a glossary for each industry and company and link it to the project to ensure terminological consistency between all documents and content. 

Preserving formats

CAT tools protect format tags so texts are translated without altering their layout. This makes graphic design for catalogs, manuals and websites simpler.

Collaborative work

CAT tools allow various people to work simultaneously, and include areas for sharing questions and solutions in real time. 

Translation experts: the reliable partner for your global communication

Having a reliable translation partner is as important as having a good product or service.

At iDISC we are more than providers; we consider ourselves your partners in your global communication strategy.

Accurate and efficient content translation: learn about our services

Accuracy and efficiency are two core pillars in any translation process. Thanks to the combination of human talent and technology, we can guarantee both. Using computer-aided translation tools makes a big difference in terms of time and quality. Our tools offer features such as translation memory management and terminology bases that ensure linguistic consistency throughout your project. Our translation software is equipped with machine translation capabilities that, while no substitute for the eye and talent of a human translator, work as a perfect complement to speed up the process without compromising quality.

If you are looking to take your translation project to the next level, our advanced CAT tools offer you exactly that: unmatched accuracy and speed. Features such as multiple format adaptability, integration with other software and the possibility of real-time collaborative translations are just some of the features that make our tools a market-leading option.

Advanced CAT tools for fast and accurate translations

Multilingual translation and CAT tools: your one-stop solution

We live in a multilingual world, and translation is no longer limited to a couple of languages. If your company is looking to open up to multiple markets, we offer comprehensive solutions that include multilingual translation assisted by our advanced CAT tools. From Arabic to Chinese, Spanish to French, our services cover a wide linguistic spectrum.

Translation expertise: your link to global audiences

Translation is not just about changing words; it also connects cultures and builds bridges between global audiences. Our experience in the field allows us not only to translate your content, but also to adapt it in a way that resonates with your target audience, while maintaining the essence and tone of your original message.

CAT tools and translation services: your path to global success

Get a service that makes your translations cost-effective

Computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools allow previously translated texts to be reused to save time and effort. This has a positive impact on translation quality since terminology and style are kept consistent across projects. Plus, the same screen used for translation includes a glossary and other similar texts from the translation memory, along with links to reference material, which makes translators quicker, more efficient and more accurate.

Translation Agency
iso-9001 iso-17100 iso-18587 iso-27001

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