Specialized translation for the industrial and manufacturing sector

The industrial and technology sector is rich in specific terminology, processes and complex systems that can be difficult to translate for those unfamiliar with the field. Accuracy in specifications and technical terms is essential, so the margin for error must be kept to a minimum.

This is where we come in.

Our translation services are prepared to meet these specific challenges and provide accurate, high-quality translations that accurately translate industry terminology and context.

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“People are the key to ensuring greater efficiency and shaping operations for the future. Ownership should be in the hands of the operations team, i.e., the end users”

— Mike Bristow, COO for manufacturing logistics at DHL

Specialized translation services for the industrial and technology sector

We understand that the world of industry and manufacturing is becoming increasingly globalized, and we know that in order to be successful in different markets, it is essential to adapt messages and content to each specific cultural space. That’s what we’re here for: to help you increase your international sales with our specialized translation services.

In the industrial and technology sector, mistakes can be particularly costly. Accurate translations of manufacturing processes are essential to ensure that your products and services are understood and accepted in international markets.

Translating your content is not only a matter of language, but also of culture. We understand the importance of tailoring your message to resonate with each target market, ensuring that the translated content is culturally appropriate and commercially effective.

That’s why we offer specialized translation services that address the unique challenges of the industry, from the translation of manufacturing documents to the translation of technical specifications. Our translations are done by professional translators specialized in each area, who are also native speakers of the target language.

For us, every translation project is unique and we like to work closely with your team to understand your needs and provide a translation solution that fits your business. 

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Accurate technical translation for manufacturing documents

Manufacturing documents contain data and information that require painstaking attention. We offer precise translations that ensure technical accuracy and terminological consistency between the multiple files that make up a project.

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Translation of instruction manuals for the industrial sector

Instruction manuals are an inseparable part of most manufactured products. To use them properly, it is essential that end users understand the details of assembly or operation, and there’s no better way than being able to read them in their own language, accurately translated.

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Translation of technical specifications for manufacturing processes

Understanding manufacturing processes is essential for plant workers, engineers and quality specialists alike. Our experience in translating technical specifications into different languages helps to ensure that this knowledge is clearly and accurately conveyed anywhere in the world, so that processes can be executed correctly.

Experts in translation of industrial terms and product catalogs

Top industrial machinery brands from hospitality, food, packaging and robotics, among other industries are already benefiting from our services.

Lean in and join us!


Why iDISC?


We will help boost your international sales by translating and tailoring your content to fit each market

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Experienced track record witnessing technology evolve

At iDISC, we have been translating for industry for upwards of 20 years and, throughout this time, we have understood and met the demands of a constantly evolving technical market. 

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Technical translations by native translators

Our technical translators are professional native speakers of the target language. They are familiar with industry-specific terminology and adapt the style to fit each market.  

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Fewer mistranslations

Certified translations including both translation and proofreading, paying close attention to the consistency of terminology between versions and different types of documents.

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Flexible and quick turnaround

We organize the teams according to the needs of each project, adapting the number of professionals that comprise them to fit your needs and your schedule.    

Translation services for industry: accuracy and quality assured

There is no room for error when it comes to translation in the manufacturing sector. Our services combine technical accuracy with linguistic quality and ensure that your documents meet the highest standards in both areas.

Maximize your global reach: specialized translation in manufacturing

Globalization is more than a buzzword; it is a reality for many companies in the industrial sector. Maximize your global reach with our specialized manufacturing translation, aimed at opening doors in new markets and connecting with new audiences.


Technical translation agency: iDISC, your partner in specialized translation for industry

At the end of the day, what really matters is having a trusted partner who understands your needs and can help you meet your goals. As a technical translation agency, we consider ourselves that partner. We offer not only high quality translations, but also a deep understanding of the industrial and manufacturing sector.

When all is said and done, it is clear that translation is an integral piece in the puzzle of industrial success. In an increasingly globalized world, where mistakes can cost time and money, you cannot afford to underestimate the importance of an accurate and culturally sensitive translation. And that’s exactly where we come in.

Calculate the price of your translation

Already a customer? We calculate your quote instantly according to your needs and the type of translation.


Advantages of working with iDISC as your technical translation company

Having a dedicated partner for specialized translations is more important than ever.

And iDISC is the perfect choice.

Our teams of project managers and specialized translators help companies in the industrial sector to:

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Guarantee compliance with translation quality standards, as we follow ISO 9001, ISO 17100 and ISO 18587certified processes

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Minimize risks thanks to our years of experience in the industrial sector and optimize the capabilities of our expert translation teams

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Increase sales volumes worldwide by translating and adapting content to each market to reach more customers directly

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Reduce overall costs by leveraging previously-translated content with translation memories

Having a translation partner specialized in the industrial sector that truly understands the needs and specific terminology of your industry is essential for the growth and prestige of your company, and iDISC is a first-class choice in this regard.

Translation team project

Assembling a team of 20 people for a three-week project and regrouping three years later.

In 2012, a software company with extensive international reach requested a 20-person team for three weeks to translate a large-scale software release into multiple languages, with just a week’s notice. After the three weeks, they requested the team be downsized to a security patch and bug fix service package of 15 hours a month. Three years later, the company requested the team be reassembled for the release of a new version of the software. The client wanted the same team, posing the challenge of bringing these people back on board. At iDISC we managed to do exactly that.

Synchronizing machine translation project

Synchronizing the machine translation of an online catalog in three languages in less than 24 hours

A world-renowned US-based online vendor of electronics needed to have their website simultaneously updated in three languages: English, Spanish, and French. We developed software to detect any changes made in the English version. Using this software, an automated alert was established for the Spanish and French translators and, in under 24 hours, all necessary content was translated and synchronized across all three languages.

Related industries:

Electronics, audio, video, and lighting translations


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Cutting costs and improving the flow of translations in the electronics industry

cutting costs guide

Translation Agency
iso-9001 iso-17100 iso-18587 iso-27001

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