Why work with iDISC?

We are the premium technology partner you’re looking for

Communication is everything in our eyes. We possess 30 years of experience in a variety of industries, where we have helped companies make it in new markets while staying fully connected with technology tools.




Our track record and experience

  • 1987

    iDISC is founded in Barcelona to offer software development and engineering services.

  • 1990

    We create the Language Services department to translate and adapt software products, as well as related documentation and help materials into Spanish.

  • 1995

    We create a marketing team specialized in IT products, with a particular emphasis on fluency and adaptation to local markets.

  • 1997

    A production office opens in Argentina to handle the demands for the Spanish used in Latin American countries.

  • 2010

    Processes are implemented to meet ISO 9001 and EN 15038 quality standards. Certification is achieved.

  • 2011

    Teams in Bolivia and Guatemala are set up to cater for native Latin American languages. Now these rare languages are one of our areas of specialization.

  • 2012

    Strategic teams are established in the United States to satisfy the needs of American companies.

  • 2013

    A team of project managers is implemented in Mexico City to offer extended hours of service to clients from 8:00 GMT to 24:00 GMT and greater coverage during public holidays.

  • 2015

    A team is set up in Xalapa, Mexico, consisting of a management team and a team of translators.

  • 2016

    A production office in Porto Alegre opens to provide translations to Brazilian Portuguese.

  • 2017

    ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17100:2015 certifications replace the previous ISO 9001:2008 and EN 15038:2006.

  • 2018

    A development team is set up in Xalapa, Mexico, to meet our clients’ growing demand in this region.

  • 2019

    We begin to offer professional sound recording, voice-over and multimedia services.

  • 2020

    Processes are implemented to meet ISO 27001 security standards and the corresponding certification is obtained.

  • 2022

    iDISC obtains the ISO 18587 certification, which sets out the best practices for the post-editing of machine translation output.

Translation Agency
iso-9001 iso-17100 iso-18587 iso-27001

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