Would you like to join our team?
Making a great vision happen without great people is impossible and that is why, in order to reach our goals, we want to add the best talent to our team.
If you want to be part of a company with expertise in the translation and IT industry, if you are passionate about challenges and constant learning, you are one of us.
"The secret of my success is that we have gone to exceptional lengths to hire the best people in the world."
-Steve Jobs
Oficina central - Barcelona
Head office - Barcelona
Passeig del Progrés, 96
08640 Olesa de Montserrat
Barcelona - Spain
Tel: (+34) 93 778 73 00
Brasil - Porto Alegre
Brazil - Porto Alegre
Rua Mostardeiro, 777, 15º andar, sala 1537 - Independência
90430-091 Porto Alegre
Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
Tel: (+55) (51) 3500 1769
México - Xalapa
Mexico - Xalapa
Azcárate 60
Colonia Centro
91000 Xalapa Enríquez, Veracruz - México
Tel: (+52) (55) 4163 9062
2600 S Douglas Road Suite 510
33134 - Coral Gables
Florida - USA
Tel: (+1) (305) 481-9549